This new edition of FIGURE DRAWING FOR FASHION DESIGN – fully revised, updated and expanded – offers a concise, topic by topic guide to acquiring and perfecting the skills of visualising ideas and concepts in costume and fashion design, concentrating on the female form. Here, realism and anatomical precision are the chief values, whereas for costume and fashion, stylisation and exaggeration are ways of adding individuality and verve to a plate, and of focusing attention on specific elements. The coverage provided means that this book is ideal both for those who want to apply themselves professionally to fashion design, and for all enthusiasts of drawing the human body.

Figure Drawing for Fashion Design (Pepin Press Design Books)
₹1,900.00 ₹1,200.00
Figure Drawing for Fashion Design (Pepin Press Design Books)
₹1,900.00 ₹1,200.00
- By Pepin Van Roojen (Author)
- Paperback: 304 pages
- Publisher: Pepin Press; 2nd edition (10 August 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 9789054961505
- ISBN-13: 978-9054961505
- Product Dimensions: 30.5 x 21.8 x 2.3 cm
9 in stock
Categories: Design Books, Fashion & Jewellery
Tags: fashion, Fashion Drawing, Fashion Sketching