Murcutt works almost always alone, rarely makes models, and draws his works by hand. He thinks by drawing. Accompanying the monograph Glenn Murcutt: The Architecture of Glenn Murcutt’, this book documents the same 13 projects, this time through the various stages of the architects design process from initial sketches to detailed plans, details and construction drawings. Clearly presented, this volume provides a unique insight into the working process of this celebrated Australian architect.

Glenn Murcutt: Thinking Drawing/Working Drawing, Hardcover,2015
₹12,695.00 ₹9,349.00
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Glenn Murcutt: Thinking Drawing/Working Drawing, Hardcover,2015
₹12,695.00 ₹9,349.00
Publisher : Toto (2015)
Language : English, Japanese
Hardcover : 248 pages
ISBN-10 : 488706294X
ISBN-13 : 9784887062948
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Categories: Architect Monograph, Architecture & Interior
Tag: Glenn Murcutt